ESPIRITO SANTO, A.M.BALDOCHI, S.L.MORATO, S.P.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01ESPIRITO SANTO, A.M.; BALDOCHI, S.L.; MORATO, S.P. Zone melting study of LiSrAlFsub(6) and LiSrAlFsub(6):Crsup(3+) by thermal analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CRYSTAL GROWTH, 12th, June 26-31, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel. <b>Abstracts...</b> p. 250. Disponível em: materialssolid state laserscrystal growthzone meltinglithium fluoridesstrontium fluoridesaluminium fluorideschromiumthermal analysisZone melting study of LiSrAlFsub(6) and LiSrAlFsub(6):Crsup(3+) by thermal analysisResumo de eventos científicos