BERECZKI, ALLANWETTER, NIKLAUS U.CRUZ, FLAVIO C. da2019-10-212019-10-21BERECZKI, ALLAN; WETTER, NIKLAUS U.; CRUZ, FLAVIO C. da. Dynamically stable continuous single frequency green ring laser. In: SBFOTON INTERNATIONAL OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE, October 7-9, 2019, São Paulo, SP. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: single-frequency ring laser using two standard commercial diode-pumped Nd:YAG modules is demonstrated. Employing a dynamically stable resonator design, multi-longitudinal mode operation at 1064 nm with 53 W of output power was obtained. When inserting a LBO crystal in the resonator, 1.8 W of single-sided, single-frequency output at 532 nm was achieved. The measured linewidth was 3.6 MHz, close to the resolution limit of the scanning etalon used to measure the longitudinal mode structure.openAccessring lasersdiode-pumped solid state lasersneodymium lasersyttrium compoundsresonatorslasersfrequency rangeharmonic generationharmonicsresonanceDynamically stable continuous single frequency green ring laserTexto completo de evento0000-0002-9379-9530