GUILHERME, ENEIDA da G.RECHENBERG, HERCILIO R.2014-07-302014-07-302014-07-302014-07-302001GUILHERME, ENEIDA da G.; RECHENBERG, HERCILIO R. Synthesis and magnetic properties of Nd(Fe,M)sub(12)(M=Mo,Ti) and their compounds nitrided by chemical reaction with sodium azide (NaNsub(3)). <b>Key Engineering Materials</b>, v. 189-191, p. 655-660, 2001. DOI: <a href="">10.4028/</a>. Disponível em: materialshardnessintermetallic compoundsnitrogenammoniamagnetic propertieschemical reactionsreductiondiffusionsodiumtemperature dependenceraw materialsSynthesis and magnetic properties of Nd(Fe,M)sub(12)(M=Mo,Ti) and their compounds nitrided by chemical reaction with sodium azide (NaNsub(3))Artigo de periódico189-19110.4028/