SANTOS, I.A. dosRANIERI, I.M.KLIMM, D.FORNARI, R.BALDOCHI, S.L.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312008SANTOS, I.A. dos; RANIERI, I.M.; KLIMM, D.; FORNARI, R.; BALDOCHI, S.L. Phase equilibria and prospects of crystal growth in the system LiF-GdFsub(3)-LuFsub(3). <b>Crystal Research and Technology</b>, v. 43, n. 11, p. 1168-1172, 2008. DisponÃvel em: diagramscrystal growthfluoridesrare earthslithium fluoridesgadolinium fluorideslutetium fluoridescalorimetryPhase equilibria and prospects of crystal growth in the system LiF-GdFsub(3)-LuFsub(3)Artigo de periódico1143