SARDAR, M.SOUZA, D.N.GROPPO, D.P.CALDAS, L.V.E.TUFAIL, M.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312013SARDAR, M.; SOUZA, D.N.; GROPPO, D.P.; CALDAS, L.V.E.; TUFAIL, M. Suitability of topaz glass composites as dosimeters using optically stimulated luminescence technique. <b>IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science</b>, v. 60, n. 2, p. 850-854, 2013. Disponível em: stimulated exoelectron emissionluminescencethermoluminescent dosimetrycomposite materialsglasspelletsSuitability of topaz glass composites as dosimeters using optically stimulated luminescence techniqueArtigo de periódico260