PRATES, RENATO A.YAMADA JUNIOR, AECIO M.SUZUKI, LUIS C.FRANÇA, CRISTIANE M.CAI, SILVANAMAYER, MARCIA P.A.RIBEIRO, ADRIANA C.RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.2014-07-152014-07-302014-07-152014-07-302011PRATES, RENATO A.; YAMADA JUNIOR, AECIO M.; SUZUKI, LUIS C.; FRANÇA, CRISTIANE M.; CAI, SILVANA; MAYER, MARCIA P.A.; RIBEIRO, ADRIANA C.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. Histomorphometric and microbial assessment of photodynamic therapy as an adjuvant treatment for periodontilis: A short-term evaluation of inflammatory periodontal conditions and bacterial reduction in a rat model. <b>Photomedicine and Laser Surgery</b>, v. 29, n. 12, p. 835-844, 2011. Disponível em: cavitymicroorganismsreductionratsbiological modelsphotosensitivitytherapyHistomorphometric and microbial assessment of photodynamic therapy as an adjuvant treatment for periodontilis: A short-term evaluation of inflammatory periodontal conditions and bacterial reduction in a rat modelArtigo de periódico1229