MACHADO JUNIOR, C.N.MARIA, S.P.SAIKI, M.FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G.2014-07-302014-07-302014-07-302014-07-301998MACHADO JUNIOR, C.N.; MARIA, S.P.; SAIKI, M.; FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G. Determination of rare earth elements in the biological reference materials Pine Needles and spruce Needles by neutron activation analysis. <b>Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry</b>, v. 233, n. 1/2, p. 59-61, 1998. Disponível em: standardspinessprucesneutron activation analysisrare earthsscandiuminterfering elementsDetermination of rare earth elements in the biological reference materials Pine Needles and spruce Needles by neutron activation analysisArtigo de periódico1/2233