SMILGYS, B.GUEDES, S.MORALES, M.ALVAREZ, F.HADLER, J.C.COELHO, P.R.P.SIQUEIRA, P.T.D.ALENCAR, I.SOARES, C.J.CURVO, E.A.C.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312013SMILGYS, B.; GUEDES, S.; MORALES, M.; ALVAREZ, F.; HADLER, J.C.; COELHO, P.R.P.; SIQUEIRA, P.T.D.; ALENCAR, I.; SOARES, C.J.; CURVO, E.A.C. Boron thin films and CR-39 detectors in BNCT: A method to measure the sup(10)B(n, 'alfa')sup(7)Li reaction rate. <b>Radiation Measurements</b>, v. 50, p. 181-186, 2013. Disponível em: capture therapythin filmschromiumdosemetersneutron dosimetryBoron thin films and CR-39 detectors in BNCT: A method to measure the sup(10)B(n, 'alfa')sup(7)Li reaction rateArtigo de periódico50