PASSOS, C.A.C.ORLANDO, M.T.D.PASSAMAI JUNIOR, J.L.MELLO, E.V.L. deCORREA, H.P.S.MARTINEZ, L.G.2014-07-152014-07-302014-07-152014-07-302006PASSOS, C.A.C.; ORLANDO, M.T.D.; PASSAMAI JUNIOR, J.L.; MELLO, E.V.L. de; CORREA, H.P.S.; MARTINEZ, L.G. Resistivity study of the pseudogap phase for (HgRe)-1223 superconductors. <b>Physical Review, B</b>, v. 74, n. 9, p. 094514-1 - 094514-10, 2006. DisponÃvel em: - 094514-10openAccessrhenium oxidessuperconducting compositeshigh-tc superconductorsstructural chemical analysiselectric conductivitymercurysuperconductorsResistivity study of the pseudogap phase for (HgRe)-1223 superconductorsArtigo de periódico974