CAMBISES, PAULO B.S.PAIVA, JULIO E. deALMEIDA, CLAUDIO C.SILVA, TERESINHA M.RODRIGUES, DEMERVAL L.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-022014-11-172014-11-182015-04-02CAMBISES, PAULO B.S.; PAIVA, JULIO E. de; ALMEIDA, CLAUDIO C.; SILVA, TERESINHA M.; RODRIGUES, DEMERVAL L. Radioprotection planned operation to deactivate an old fabrication plant of UOsub(2) pellets in IPEN-CNEN/SP to perform decommissioning. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE; MEETING ON NUCLEAR APPLICATIONS, 8th/ MEETING ON REACTOR PHYSICS AND THERMAL HYDRAULICS, 15th, Sept. 30 - Oct. 5, 2007, Santos, SP. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: fabrication plantsplantsoccupational exposurepelletsradiation monitoringradiation protectionradiometric surveysuranium dioxideRadioprotection planned operation to deactivate an old fabrication plant of UOsub(2) pellets in IPEN-CNEN/SP to perform decommissioningTexto completo de evento