SILVA, I.G.N.RODRIGUES, L.C.V.SOUZA, E.R.KAI, J.FELINTO, M.C.F.C.HOLSA, J.BRITO, H.F.MALTA, O.L.2015-12-302015-12-302015SILVA, I.G.N.; RODRIGUES, L.C.V.; SOUZA, E.R.; KAI, J.; FELINTO, M.C.F.C.; HOLSA, J.; BRITO, H.F.; MALTA, O.L. Low temperature synthesis and optical properties of the Rsub(2)Osub(3):Eusup(3+) nanophosphors (Rsup(3+):Y, Gd and Lu) using TMA complexes as precursors. <b>Optical Materials</b>, v. 40, p. 41-48, 2015. Disponível em: range 0065-0273 keuropiumdoped materialsgadoliniumyttriumlutetiumphotoluminescenceLow temperature synthesis and optical properties of the Rsub(2)Osub(3):Eusup(3+) nanophosphors (Rsup(3+):Y, Gd and Lu) using TMA complexes as precursorsArtigo de periódico40