INAMURA, PATRICIA Y.KRAIDE, FELIPE H.DRUMOND, WALKER S.LIMA, NELSON B. deMOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.MASTRO, NELIDA L. del2014-07-152014-07-302014-07-152014-07-302013INAMURA, PATRICIA Y.; KRAIDE, FELIPE H.; DRUMOND, WALKER S.; LIMA, NELSON B. de; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.; MASTRO, NELIDA L. del. Ionizing radiation influence on the morphological and thermal characteristics of a biocomposite prepared with gelatin and Brazil nut wastes as fiber source. <b>Radiation Physics and Chemistry</b>, v. 84, p. 66-69, 2013. Disponível em: radiationselectron beamsx-ray diffractionscanning electron microscopythermal gravimetric analysisIonizing radiation influence on the morphological and thermal characteristics of a biocomposite prepared with gelatin and Brazil nut wastes as fiber sourceArtigo de periódico84