PERONI, C.N.GIMBO VIANNA, E.K.MORGANTI, L.RIBELA, M.T.C.P.BARTOLINI, P.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01PERONI, C.N.; GIMBO VIANNA, E.K.; MORGANTI, L.; RIBELA, M.T.C.P.; BARTOLINI, P. Amplification of hTSH alphaand beta-subunit genes by PCR, using pituitary cDNA for recombinant hTSH preparation and production of the alpha-subunit in CHO cells. In: 26a. REUNIAO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOQUIMICA E BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR, 3-6 de maio, 1997, Caxambu, MG. <b>Abstract...</b> DisponÃvel em: recombinationrecombinant dnagenesbiosynthesispolymerase chain reactiondna-cloningcho cellsAmplification of hTSH alphaand beta-subunit genes by PCR, using pituitary cDNA for recombinant hTSH preparation and production of the alpha-subunit in CHO cellsResumo de eventos cientÃficos