SANTOS, A. dosKURAMOTO, R.Y.R.JEREZ, R.DINIZ, R.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-022014-11-172014-11-182015-04-02SANTOS, A. dos; KURAMOTO, R.Y.R.; JEREZ, R.; DINIZ, R. A new method for absolute measurement of 'Beta' sub(eff) based on microscopic noise experiments and the two-region model in the IPEN/MB-01 research reactor. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, April 23-24, 2007, Nice. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: reactordelayed neutronskineticsrossi alpha methodfeynman methodcalculation methodsA new method for absolute measurement of 'Beta' sub(eff) based on microscopic noise experiments and the two-region model in the IPEN/MB-01 research reactorTexto completo de evento