PASCOALINO, K.CAMARGO, F.GONCALVES, J.A.C.BUENO, C.C.2022-12-202022-12-202022PASCOALINO, K.; CAMARGO, F.; GONCALVES, J.A.C.; BUENO, C.C. Measurement of the insensitive surface layer thickness of a PIN photodiode based on alpha-particle spectrometry. <b>Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences</b>, v. 10, n. 3B, p. 1-9, 2022. DOI: <a href="">10.15392/2319-0612.2022.1789</a>. Disponível em: this work, the insensitive layer thickness of a PIN photodiode (SFH206K - Osram) has been measured by varying the incident angle of a collimated monoenergetic alpha particle beam. This technique is based on variations in the path lengths of alpha particles through the insensitive layer and the correspondent energy losses when they impinge on a diode surface at different angles. Therefore, the pulse heights of these alpha particles, closely related to the energies deposited in the active volume of the diode, also depend on their incident angle. So, the difference between the pulse height of alpha particles perpendicularly incident on the diode surface and at any incident angle enables the insensitive layer thickness to be assessed. The result obtained (711 23) nm, less than 1% of the intrinsic layer thickness, besides validating the employed method, demonstrates that the investigated diode is suitable for high resolution charged particle spectrometry.1-9openAccessalpha spectroscopydosimetryenergy losseslayersphotodiodesradiation protectionsiliconthicknessMeasurement of the insensitive surface layer thickness of a PIN photodiode based on alpha-particle spectrometryArtigo de periódico3B1010.15392/2319-0612.2022.1789 PercentilSem Percentil CiteScore