ARAUJO, FELIPE V.LANDULFO, EDUARDONAKAEMA, WALTER M.LOPES, FABIO J.S.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01ARAUJO, FELIPE V.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO; NAKAEMA, WALTER M.; LOPES, FABIO J.S. Study of long-range transportation of biomass burning event during the winter of 2010 in the Metropolitan region of São Paulo - Brazil using Lidar. AERONET and CALIPSO satellite. In: WORKSHOP ON LIDAR MEASUREMENTS IN LATIN AMERICA, 7th, November 11-16, 2013, Pucón, Chile. <b>Abstract...</b> p. 50. Disponível em: monitoringbiomassfiresenvironmental effectspollutionseasonal variationsoptical radarsatellitesc codesStudy of long-range transportation of biomass burning event during the winter of 2010 in the Metropolitan region of São Paulo - Brazil using Lidar. AERONET and CALIPSO satelliteResumo de eventos científicos