FISCHER, J.FRANCO, M.K.K.D.YOKAICHIYA, F.MAZZOCCHI, V.L.PARENTE, C.B.R.FREIRE, P.T.C.BORDALLO, H.N.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01FISCHER, J.; FRANCO, M.K.K.D.; YOKAICHIYA, F.; MAZZOCCHI, V.L.; PARENTE, C.B.R.; FREIRE, P.T.C.; BORDALLO, H.N. Combining x-rays and neutrons to shed light in the conformational changes in L-methionine. In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DE USUÁRIOS DO LNLS, 21., 21-22 de fevereiro, 2011, Campinas, SP. <b>Resumo...</b> Disponível em: radiationneutronsamino acidsmethionineconformational changesCombining x-rays and neutrons to shed light in the conformational changes in L-methionineResumo de eventos científicos