ANDRADE, L.H.F.VOMIR, M.KIM, J.PIAIA, M.S.SANTOS, A.D.BIGOT, J.Y.2016-09-152016-09-15ANDRADE, L.H.F.; VOMIR, M.; KIM, J.; PIAIA, M.S.; SANTOS, A.D.; BIGOT, J.Y. Ultrafast demagnetization and precession damping times in rare earth doped cobalt films. In: CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS, June 09-14, 2013, San Jose, CA. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: earthsdoped materialscobaltfilmsferromagnetic materialslasersUltrafast demagnetization and precession damping times in rare earth doped cobalt filmsTexto completo de evento