DOMIENIKAN, CLAUDIOLAPOLLI, ANDRE L.SANTOS, BRIANNA B. dosCARBONARI, ARTUR W.SAXENA, RAJENDRA N.SCHOUERI, ROBERTO M.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01DOMIENIKAN, CLAUDIO; LAPOLLI, ANDRE L.; SANTOS, BRIANNA B. dos; CARBONARI, ARTUR W.; SAXENA, RAJENDRA N.; SCHOUERI, ROBERTO M. A six-BaFsub(2) detectors PAC spectrometer for measurements with short lived nuclear probes. In: JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS AND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE INTERACTION, 4RD, September 10-14, 2012, Beijing, China. <b>Abstract...</b> Disponível em: convertersbarium fluoridescoincidence spectrometrydata processingexperimental datal codesperturbed angular correlationsolid scintillation detectorsspectrometersA six-BaFsub(2) detectors PAC spectrometer for measurements with short lived nuclear probesResumo de eventos científicos