BRIGHT, T.BALLON, D.SAXENA, R.N.NIV, Y.BENCZER KOLLER, N.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-311984BRIGHT, T.; BALLON, D.; SAXENA, R.N.; NIV, Y.; BENCZER KOLLER, N. Magnetic moment of the 4sub(1)+ state in sup(20)Ne. <b>Physical Review, C</b>, n. v. 30, p. n. 2, 1984. p. 696-703. Disponível em: 2openAccesscarbon 12 reactionscarbon 12 targetcompound-nucleus reactionsmagnetic momentsneon 20Magnetic moment of the 4sub(1)+ state in sup(20)NeArtigo de periódicov. 30p. 696-703