ARENZON, A.PERET, A.C.MOREL, M.B.C.B.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312002ARENZON, A.; PERET, A.C.; MOREL, M.B.C.B. Culture parameters of the annual fish, Cynopoecilus melanotaenia (Regan, 1912) based on a temporary water body characteristics (Cyprimodontiformes, Rivulidae). <b>Journal of the American Killifish Association</b>, v. 35, n. 5, p. 133-136, 2002. Disponível em: animalsfisheswatertemperature measurementoxygenbiochemical oxygen demandph valuechemical compositionCulture parameters of the annual fish, Cynopoecilus melanotaenia (Regan, 1912) based on a temporary water body characteristics (Cyprimodontiformes, Rivulidae)Artigo de periódico535