GALEGO, E.SERNA, M.M.RAMANATHAN, L.V.FARIA, R.N.2016-12-192016-12-192017GALEGO, E.; SERNA, M.M.; RAMANATHAN, L.V.; FARIA, R.N. Crystallographic parameters of magnetic Pr2Fe14−xCoxB-type alloys determined using anomalous x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation. <b>Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials</b>, v. 424, p. 298-303, 2017. DOI: <a href="">10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.10.070</a>. Disponível em: x-ray synchrotron diffraction was used to determine the crystallographic parameters of PrFeCoBbased magnetic alloys. The effect of cobalt concentration on the crystallographic parameters of the magnetically hard Pr2Fe14−xCoxB phase was studied. The results indicate that addition of cobalt has a marked effect on crystal structure. Variation of the c parameter decreased twice as much as the a parameter with increase in Co content. The positions of inequivalent atoms of the magnetically hard matrix phase ϕ in the Pr-based alloys were determined using Rietveld refinement. This permitted determination of the relative distance of each inequivalent atom from its nearest neighbors. Cobalt occupied the 16k2 site and Fe had a tendency to occupy the 8j2 sites located between the Kagomé layers.298-303openAccessrare earthsalloysmagnetic materialspowdersx-ray diffractionsynchrotron radiationcrystallographypraseodymium alloysiron alloyscobalt alloysboron alloysCrystallographic parameters of magnetic Pr2Fe14−xCoxB-type alloys determined using anomalous x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiationArtigo de periódico42410.1016/j.jmmm.2016.10.070