BARTOLINI, P.ASSIS, L.M.SCHWARZ, I.MACCHIONE, M.PIERONI, R.R.2015-11-062015-11-062015-11-062015-11-061978BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; SCHWARZ, I.; MACCHIONE, M.; PIERONI, R.R. An accurate radioimmunoassay of human growth hormone with separation on polyacrylamide gel electrophotoresis of free antigen, antigen-antibody complex and damaged labelled antigen: further study of damaged labelled antigen to obtain long-lasting labelled products. 10p. (IEA-PUB-516). Disponível em: accurate radioimmunoassay of human growth hormone with separation on polyacrylamide gel electrophotoresis of free antigen, antigen-antibody complex and damaged labelled antigen: further study of damaged labelled antigen to obtain long-lasting labelled productsSérie Publicação IPEN