MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.IKHMAYIES, SHADIALI, JIANVIEIRA, CARLOS M.F.MARGEM, JEAN I.BRAGA, FABIO de O.2019-08-122019-08-122019MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B. The potential of micro- and nano-sized fillers extracted from agroindustry residues as reinforcements of thermoplastic-based biocomposites: a review. In: IKHMAYIES, SHADIA (ed.); LI, JIAN (ed.); VIEIRA, CARLOS M.F. (ed.); MARGEM, JEAN I. (ed.); BRAGA, FABIO de O. (ed.). <b>Green Materials Engineering</b>. Cham, CZ, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019. p. 89-100. (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series). DOI: <a href="">10.1007/978-3-030-10383-5_10</a>. DisponĂ­vel em:, the relevance of reuse of agroindustrial waste to obtain fillers in micro- and nano-sizes for the development of biocomposite materials has grown significantly. Production processes based on sustainable and low carbon development have increased interest in more environmentally friendly polymer composites, which have made the origin of reinforcement materials a determining factor for their application in this segment. This work presents a review of the developments of our team in the field of thermoplastic biocomposites reinforced with micro- and nano-sized fillers extracted from agroindustry residues. The different residues from Brazilian agroindustry available for the extraction of micro- and nano-sized fillers for the production of polymer biocomposites, the methods of the extraction and treatments of these natural fillers are presented; and its application as reinforcements in thermoplastic-based biocomposite are discussed in this review.89-100closedAccessagricultureagricultural wastesenvironmental impactsbagassebiodegradationthermoplasticscomposite materialsfillerspolymersThe potential of micro- and nano-sized fillers extracted from agroindustry residues as reinforcements of thermoplastic-based biocompositesCapĂ­tulo de livroGreen Materials Engineering10.1007/978-3-030-10383-5_100000-0003-3546-1643