SIQUEIRA, P.T.D.COELHO, P.R.P.YORIYAZ, H.CABEZAS SOLORZANO, R.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-022014-11-172014-11-182015-04-02SIQUEIRA, P.T.D.; COELHO, P.R.P.; YORIYAZ, H.; CABEZAS SOLORZANO, R. A 'non-coincident' Neutron Coincidence Collar response simulation. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE NEW FRONTIERS OF NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY: REACTOR PHYSICS, SAFETY AND HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, Oct. 7-10, 2002, Seoul, Korea. <b>Proceedings...</b> DisponÃvel em: assembliesneutron detectioncoincidence methodscomputerized simulationmonte carlo methodcomputer codesnuclear reaction analysisuranium 235A 'non-coincident' Neutron Coincidence Collar response simulationTexto completo de evento