MIORANZA, CLAUDIOAQUINO, AFONSO R. de2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-022014-11-172014-11-182015-04-02MIORANZA, CLAUDIO; AQUINO, AFONSO R. de. A new multidimensional model for quality evaluation of graduate-level education in nuclear tecnology. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE; MEETING ON NUCLEAR APPLICATIONS, 9th; MEETING ON REACTOR PHYSICS AND THERMAL HYDRAULICS, 16th; MEETING ON NUCLEAR INDUSTRY, 1st, September 27 - October 2, 2009, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/12313.http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/12313openAccessbrazilian cneneducationeducational facilitiesevaluationinformationknowledge managementlearningnuclear energyquality assuranceA new multidimensional model for quality evaluation of graduate-level education in nuclear tecnologyTexto completo de evento