SMITH, RICARDO B.SALVETTI, TEREZA C.TESSARO, ANA P.G.MARUMO, JULIO T.VICENTE, ROBERTO2023-02-092023-02-092021SMITH, RICARDO B.; SALVETTI, TEREZA C.; TESSARO, ANA P.G.; MARUMO, JULIO T.; VICENTE, ROBERTO. Knowledge management in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities in Brazil. In: SMITH, RICARDO B. (org.). <b>Essays on nuclear energy and radioactive waste management</b>. 1 ed.. São Paulo, SP: Gênio Criador Editora, 2021. , cap. 6. p. 88-105. Disponível em: the second half of the twentieth century in Brazil, several nuclear facilities were built for the most varied objectives. The largest number of such facilities is at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute in São Paulo (IPEN-CNEN/SP). For different reasons, some of these facilities had their projects finalized and were deactivated. Some of the equipment was then dismantled, but the respective nuclear and radioactive material remained isolated in the original sites awaiting the proper decommissioning procedures. The Celeste Project is an example of a facility where the nuclear material has been kept, and is subject to Argentine-Brazilian Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) periodic inspections. Because of a number of interests, including financial and/or budgeting situations at the institutions, decades have passed without any further action, and the people who withhold information and knowledge about these facilities have already moved away from the area or are in the process of. Therefore, this work proposes an analysis about the knowledge management reflecting on the possible consequences for the decommissioning processes, in case of loss of the knowledge acquired.88-105openAccessdecommissioninghistorical aspectsinformation disseminationinformation needsknowledge managementnuclear facilitiesradioactive materialsradioactive waste managementsafetyKnowledge management in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities in BrazilCapítulo de livro1 ed.Essays on nuclear energy and radioactive waste management60000-0003-3010-9691