VIEIRA JUNIOR, N.D.ASSIS, L.S.COSTA, F.E.VICENTE, E.A.MORATO, S.P.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01VIEIRA JUNIOR, N.D.; ASSIS, L.S.; COSTA, F.E.; VICENTE, E.A.; MORATO, S.P. Color centers as simultaneous active laser media and saturable absorbers. In: 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TUNABLE LASERS, Sept. 20-22, 1989, Irtutsk, USSR. <b>Proceedings...</b> DisponÃvel em: laserscolor centersColor centers as simultaneous active laser media and saturable absorbersTexto completo de evento