SANTOS, J.O.MUNITA, C.S.VALERIO, M.E.G.VERGNE, C.OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.2014-07-152014-07-302014-07-152014-07-302008SANTOS, J.O.; MUNITA, C.S.; VALERIO, M.E.G.; VERGNE, C.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S. Correlations between chemical composition and provenance of Justino site ceramics by INAA. <b>Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry</b>, v. 278, n. 1, p. 185-190, 2008. DOI: <a href="">10.1007/s10967-007-7236-6</a>. Disponível em: neutron activation analysis (INAA), have been used for the definition of compositional groups of potteries from Justino site, Brazil, according to the chemical similarities of ceramic paste. The outliers were identified by means of robust Mahalanobis distance. The temper effect in the ceramic paste was studied by means of modified Mahalanobis filter. The results were interpreted by means of cluster, principal components, and discriminant analyses. This work provides contributions for the reconstruction of the prehistory of baixo São Francisco region, and for the reconstitution of the Brazilian Northeast ceramist population of general frame.185-190openAccessbrazilarchaeologyceramicssample preparationchemical compositionneutron activation analysishistorical aspectsCorrelations between chemical composition and provenance of Justino site ceramics by INAAArtigo de periódico127810.1007/s10967-007-7236-6