VICENTE, R.TOLEDO, R.N.REZENDE, R.DELLAMANO, J.C.MARUMO, J.T.2018-02-272018-02-27VICENTE, R.; TOLEDO, R.N.; REZENDE, R.; DELLAMANO, J.C.; MARUMO, J.T. Development of microwave technology for TENORM waste treatment - 17377. In: WASTE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, March 05-09, 2017, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. <b>Proceedings...</b> p. 1-6. Disponível em: sludge and scales generated by the oil and gas industry usually contain radionuclides of the thorium and uranium decay chains, the so-called technologically enhanced, naturally occurring radioactive materials (TENORM) waste. The handling of this waste must consider both the radiation risks presented by those radionuclides and its chemical toxicity, due to the decomposition of oil residues, which may generate hydrogen sulfide and other hazardous compounds. In the case of Brazil, Public Law 10.308 limits the management options for radioactive waste generated by offshore oil production rigs to drumming and storage; it prohibits disposal of any radioactive waste in seawaters, seabed or oceanic islands. This paper describes the results of the work to develop a treatment process using a specially designed microwave oven, which removes simultaneously water and hydrocarbons from the sludge, thus reducing the volume, the chemical toxicity and the chemical reactivity of the waste.1-6openAccesshydrocarbonshydrogen sulfidesmicrowave radiationnaturally occurring radioactive materialspetroleum residuesradioactive waste processingradioactive wastesradioisotopesDevelopment of microwave technology for TENORM waste treatment - 17377Texto completo de evento