ANGELO, G.ANDRADE, D.A.ANGELO, E.CARLUCCIO, T.ROSSI, P.C.R.TALAMO, A.2014-07-152014-07-302014-07-152014-07-302011ANGELO, G.; ANDRADE, D.A.; ANGELO, E.; CARLUCCIO, T.; ROSSI, P.C.R.; TALAMO, A. A three-dimensional thermal and fluid dynamics analysis of a gas cooled subcritical fast reactor driven by a D-T fusion neutron source. <b>Annals of Nuclear Energy</b>, v. 38, n. 12, p. 2734-2741, 2011. Disponível em: reactorsthree-dimensional calculationsfluid mechanicsgcfr type reactorsturbulencesimulationA three-dimensional thermal and fluid dynamics analysis of a gas cooled subcritical fast reactor driven by a D-T fusion neutron sourceArtigo de periódico1238