CAPPUZZELLO, FRANCESCOAGODI, CLEMENTINACALABRETTA, LUCIANOCALVO, DANIELACARBONE, DIANACAVALLARO, MANUELACOLONNA, MARIAFINOCCHIARO, PAOLOIAZZI, FELICELINARES, ROBERTOOLIVEIRA, JOSE R.B.PANDOLA, LUCIANOSANTOPINTO, ELENATORRESI, DOMENICOTUDISCO, SALVATOREACOSTA, LUISALTANA, CARMENAMADOR-VALENZUELA, PAULINAAVANZI, LUIS H.BELLONE, JESSICABONANNO, DANILOBOZTOSUN, ISMAILBRASOLIN, SANDROBRISCHETTO, GIUSEPPE A.BRUNASSO, OSCARCALABRESE, SALVATORECAMPAJOLA, LUIGICAPIROSSI, VITTORIALOMELI, EFRAIN R.C.CIRALDO, IRENEAGUIAR, VITOR A.P. DEDELAUNAY, FRANCKFERRARESI, CARLOFISICHELLA, MARIAGANDOLFO, ELISAGUAZZELLI, MARCILEI A.LA VIA, FRANCESCOLAMBARRI, DANIEL J.M.LENSKE, HORSTLUBIAN, JESUSMEDINA, NILBERTO H.MEREU, PAOLOMORALLES, MAURICIOMUOIO, ANNAMARIAPETRASCU, HORIAPINNA, FEDERICOSARTIRANA, DIEGOSGOUROS, ONOUFRIOSSOLAKCI, SELCUK O.SOUKERAS, VASILISSPATAFORA, ALESSANDRORUSSO, ANTONIO D.YILDIRIM, AYDIN2022-03-162022-03-162021CAPPUZZELLO, FRANCESCO; AGODI, CLEMENTINA; CALABRETTA, LUCIANO; CALVO, DANIELA; CARBONE, DIANA; CAVALLARO, MANUELA; COLONNA, MARIA; FINOCCHIARO, PAOLO; IAZZI, FELICE; LINARES, ROBERTO; OLIVEIRA, JOSE R.B.; PANDOLA, LUCIANO; SANTOPINTO, ELENA; TORRESI, DOMENICO; TUDISCO, SALVATORE; ACOSTA, LUIS; ALTANA, CARMEN; AMADOR-VALENZUELA, PAULINA; AVANZI, LUIS H.; BELLONE, JESSICA; BONANNO, DANILO; BOZTOSUN, ISMAIL; BRASOLIN, SANDRO; BRISCHETTO, GIUSEPPE A.; BRUNASSO, OSCAR; CALABRESE, SALVATORE; CAMPAJOLA, LUIGI; CAPIROSSI, VITTORIA; LOMELI, EFRAIN R.C.; CIRALDO, IRENE; AGUIAR, VITOR A.P. DE; DELAUNAY, FRANCK; FERRARESI, CARLO; FISICHELLA, MARIA; GANDOLFO, ELISA; GUAZZELLI, MARCILEI A.; LA VIA, FRANCESCO; LAMBARRI, DANIEL J.M.; LENSKE, HORST; LUBIAN, JESUS; MEDINA, NILBERTO H.; MEREU, PAOLO; MORALLES, MAURICIO; MUOIO, ANNAMARIA; PETRASCU, HORIA; PINNA, FEDERICO; SARTIRANA, DIEGO; SGOUROS, ONOUFRIOS; SOLAKCI, SELCUK O.; SOUKERAS, VASILIS; SPATAFORA, ALESSANDRO; RUSSO, ANTONIO D.; YILDIRIM, AYDIN. The NUMEN Technical Design Report. <b>International Journal of Modern Physics A</b>, v. 36, n. 30, p. 2130018-1 - 2130018-155, 2021. DOI: <a href="">10.1142/S0217751X21300180</a>. Disponível em: proposes an innovative technique to access the nuclear matrix elements entering the expression of the lifetime of the double beta decay by cross-section measurements of heavy-ion induced Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reactions. Despite the fact that the two processes, namely neutrinoless double beta decay and DCE reactions, are triggered by the weak and strong interaction respectively, important analogies are suggested. The basic point is the coincidence of the initial and final state many-body wave functions in the two types of processes and the formal similarity of the transition operators. The main experimental tools for this project are the K800 Superconducting Cyclotron and MAGNEX spectrometer at the INFN-LNS laboratory. However, the tiny values of DCE cross-sections and the resolution requirements demand beam intensities much higher than those manageable with the present facility. The on-going upgrade of the INFN-LNS facilities promoted by the POTLNSa project in this perspective is intimately connected to the NUMEN project. This paper describes the solutions proposed as a result of the R&D activity performed during the recent years. The goal is to develop suitable technologies allowing for the measurements of DCE cross-section under extremely high beam intensities.2130018-1 - 2130018-155openAccessnuclear matrixneutrinoless double beta decayneutrinosmatrix elementsheavy ionsnuclear reactionsbeam luminosityThe NUMEN Technical Design ReportArtigo de periódico303610.1142/S0217751X21300180