CARDIA, D.V.F.SARTORI, C.A.F.MUYLAERT, R.P.B.2018-07-122018-07-122018CARDIA, D.V.F.; SARTORI, C.A.F.; MUYLAERT, R.P.B. A hybrid approach for assessments of equivalent emission sources and electromagnetic environments. <b>Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications</b>, v. 17, n. 1, p. 10-22, 2018. DOI: <a href="">10.1590/2179-10742018v17i11108</a>. Disponível em: paper presents a method for equivalent emission source determination by application of LLAs (Large Loop Antennas). A review of different types of LLAs is carried out and their characteristics regarding emission source evaluation are emphasized. A hybrid technic is applied for obtaining the electric fields based on previous measurement of magnetic fields combined with an analytical and numerical approach. This methodology is proposed as an alternative to face the constraints concerning to the near electric fields measurements and calculations.10-22openAccessantennaselectromagnetic fieldscalculation methodshybrid systemsmagnetic dipolestestingelectric fieldsA hybrid approach for assessments of equivalent emission sources and electromagnetic environmentsArtigo de periódico11710.1590/2179-10742018v17i11108Sem Percentil31.00