SOARES, I.B.P.CARVALHO, L.B.COAQUIRA, J.A.H.CABRERA PASCA, G.A.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312012SOARES, I.B.P.; CARVALHO, L.B.; COAQUIRA, J.A.H.; CABRERA PASCA, G.A. Experimental evidences of the conservation of the S=1 moment in Lasub(2)RuOsub(5) determined by perturbed angular correlations. <b>Journal of Applied Physics</b>, v. 112, p. 063915-1 - 063915-7, 2012. Disponível em: - 063915-7openAccesspolycrystalslanthanumruthenium oxidesmagnetic momentselectric conductivityhyperfine structureperturbed angular correlationExperimental evidences of the conservation of the S=1 moment in Lasub(2)RuOsub(5) determined by perturbed angular correlationsArtigo de periódico112