JOSE, ALVARO H.M.MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.RODRIGUES JUNIOR, DURVALKLEINGESINDS, EDUARDO K.RODRIGUES, RITA C.L.B.2022-12-082022-12-082022JOSE, ALVARO H.M.; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, DURVAL; KLEINGESINDS, EDUARDO K.; RODRIGUES, RITA C.L.B. A residue-free and effective corncob extrusion pretreatment for the enhancement of high solids loading enzymatic hydrolysis to produce sugars. <b>Industrial Crops and Products</b>, v. 188, n. Part B, p. 1-11, 2022. DOI: <a href="">10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115655</a>. Disponível em: convert biomass into biofuel, pretreatment is the first stage required to de-structure lignocellulose – twin-screw extrusion is one of the viable pretreatment technologies. The enzymatic hydrolysis of corncobs pretreated with twin-screw extrusion to obtain sugar was evaluated. Corncob extrusion (115–130 °C; 14 rpm) was enhanced through the employment of additives (water and glycerol, 25:25, % w/w). By reproducing the response surface methodology (RSM) technique, the maximized glucose productivity (0.69 g L−1 h−1) and conversion of cellulose to glucose (90.4 % w/w), as well as hemicellulose to xylose and arabinose (44.0 % w/w) were established with the dosage of the commercial enzymatic complex Cellic Ctec2 (32 FPU/gdry lignocellulosic material) and solids loading (17.8 % w/w). Total sugar yield was of 471 kg (glucose 323 kg; xylose and arabinose 148 kg) for a dried corncob ton. Kinetic constants of the Michaelis-Menten model, Vmax and Km, for converting cellulose to glucose were of 6.00 % (w/w)/h and 22.59 gcellulose/Lsolution, respectively. A residue-free and effective corncob extrusion pretreatment enhanced high solids loading enzymatic hydrolysis to achieve a glucose-rich solution.1-11openAccessenzymatic hydrolysisplantsbiomassmaizecellulosemicrostructureA residue-free and effective corncob extrusion pretreatment for the enhancement of high solids loading enzymatic hydrolysis to produce sugarsArtigo de periódicoPart B18810.1016/j.indcrop.2022.1156550000-0003-3546-1643