GENEZINI, F.A.ZAMBONI, C.B.MEDEIROS, J.A.G.CRUZ, M.T.F.VANIN, V.R.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01GENEZINI, F.A.; ZAMBONI, C.B.; MEDEIROS, J.A.G.; CRUZ, M.T.F.; VANIN, V.R. Energy levels in sup(101)Tc from the decay of sup(101)Mo. In: REUNIAO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FISICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 23., 23-27 set, 2000, Campinas, SP. <b>Resumos...</b> p. 23-25. DisponÃvel em: nucleitechnetium 101molybdenum 101beta-minus decayenergy levelsenergy-level transitionsgamma spectroscopycoincidence spectrometrynuclear structureEnergy levels in sup(101)Tc from the decay of sup(101)MoResumo de eventos cientÃficos