BERGO, P.REIS, S.T.PONTUSCHKA, W.M.PRISON, J.M.MOTTA, C.C.2014-07-302014-07-302014-07-302014-07-302004BERGO, P.; REIS, S.T.; PONTUSCHKA, W.M.; PRISON, J.M.; MOTTA, C.C. Dielectric properties and structural features of barium-iron phosphate glasses. <b>Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids</b>, v. 336, p. 159-164, 2004. Disponível em: phosphatesiron phosphatesglassdielectric propertiesmoessbauer spectrometersinfrared spectradifferential thermal analysisDielectric properties and structural features of barium-iron phosphate glassesArtigo de periódico336