MARQUES, JOYCE R.VILLA, SABRINA M.MONTEIRO, LUCILENA R.COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B.PIRES, MARIA A.F.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-012014-11-172014-11-182015-04-01MARQUES, JOYCE R.; VILLA, SABRINA M.; MONTEIRO, LUCILENA R.; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B.; PIRES, MARIA A.F. Study of groundwater collection protocols on the IPEN/CNEN-SP campus. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE; MEETING ON NUCLEAR APPLICATIONS, 11th; MEETING ON REACTOR PHYSICS AND THERMAL HYDRAULICS, 18th; MEETING ON NUCLEAR INDUSTRY, 3rd, November 24-29, 2013, Recife, PE. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: cnenchemical compositionchlorideschromatographyconcentration ratiofluoridesground watermonitoringnitratessulfateswater wellsStudy of groundwater collection protocols on the IPEN/CNEN-SP campusTexto completo de evento