SAMAD, RICARDO E.VIDAL, JOSE T.ROSSI, WAGNER deVIEIRA JUNIOR, NILSON D.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-022014-11-172014-11-182015-04-02SAMAD, RICARDO E.; VIDAL, JOSE T.; ROSSI, WAGNER de; VIEIRA JUNIOR, NILSON D. Determination of molybdenum ablation threshold for ultrashiort laser pulses in atmosphere and vacuum using the diagonal scan technique. In: LATIN AMERICA OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE, September 27-30, 2010, Recife, PE. <b>Proceedings...</b> DOI: <a href="">10.1364/LAOP.2010.ThD3</a>. DisponÃvel em: present the results of measuring metallic molybdenum ablation threshold in the 30 femtoseconds regime. The measurements were performed in atmosphere and vacuum, resulting in values equal to 1.6 TW/cm2 3.8 TW/cm2, respectively. This values difference can be credited to a plasma etching that helps the ablation in the atmosphere case.openAccessablationpulsesbreakdownlasersDetermination of molybdenum ablation threshold for ultrashiort laser pulses in atmosphere and vacuum using the diagonal scan techniqueTexto completo de evento10.1364/LAOP.2010.ThD3