CARVALHO, E.I.BARTOLINI, P.ASSIS, L.M.FONSECA, M.L.C.Q.PIERONI, R.R.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01CARVALHO, E.I.; BARTOLINI, P.; ASSIS, L.M.; FONSECA, M.L.C.Q.; PIERONI, R.R. A sensitive assay of human growth hormone (hGH), using on optimized concentration of rabbit liver solubilized membrane receptor and two different radioiodinated preparations. In: 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HORMONES AND CANCER, Oct. 3-6, 1979, Rome, Italy. <b>Abstract...</b> p. 1160. Disponível em: 125labellingrabbitsreceptorssthA sensitive assay of human growth hormone (hGH), using on optimized concentration of rabbit liver solubilized membrane receptor and two different radioiodinated preparationsResumo de eventos científicos