NIYAMA, E.BRITO, H.F.CREMONA, M.TEOTONIO, E.E.S.REYES, R.BRITO, G.E.S.FELINTO, M.C.F.C.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312005NIYAMA, E.; BRITO, H.F.; CREMONA, M.; TEOTONIO, E.E.S.; REYES, R.; BRITO, G.E.S.; FELINTO, M.C.F.C. Synthesis and spectroscopic behavior of highly luminescent Eusup(3+)-dibenzoylmethanate (DBM) complexes with sulfoxide ligants. <b>Spectrochimica Acta, A</b>, v. 61, n. 11, p. 2643-2649, 2005. Part. A. Disponível em: earthsphotoluminescencesulfoxidesligandssynthesisspectroscopyfluorimeterselectroluminescenceSynthesis and spectroscopic behavior of highly luminescent Eusup(3+)-dibenzoylmethanate (DBM) complexes with sulfoxide ligantsArtigo de periódico1161Part. A