MENZEL, F.SABUNDJIAN, G.DAURIA, F.2017-06-022017-06-02MENZEL, F.; SABUNDJIAN, G.; DAURIA, F. BEPU-FSAR: a new paradigm in nuclear reactor safety. In: SAFETY IN REACTOR OPERATIONS, February 12-16, 2017, Vienna, Austria. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: perform an entire FSAR based on BEPU (Best Estimated Plus Uncertainty), a homogenization of the analysis is proposed. The first step towards BEPU-FSAR requires identification and characterization of the FSAR parts where the numerical analyses are needed. The next step consists of creating a list of key technological areas where the relations between so-called key disciplines and the key topics are established. Considering the successful applications of BEPU methodology to the Chapter 15 of FSAR performed in the last two decades (Atucha II NPP, Angra 1 and 2), one can conclude that this methodology is feasible, which encourage to extended its range of use to the other technological areas of FSAR (e.g. seismology, radioprotection, etc.), and therefore to demonstrate the industrial worth and interest. The future step of this work will mainly be focused on the propagation of this expertise into the remaining technical areas of FSAR.openAccessreactor safetyuncertainty principledata covariancessafety analysislicensing proceduresloss of coolantBEPU-FSAR: a new paradigm in nuclear reactor safetyTexto completo de evento