ROMANO, ANA C.C.C.ARANHA, ANA C.C.SILVEIRA, BRUNO L. daBALDOCHI, SONIA L.EDUARDO, CARLOS de P.2014-07-152014-07-302014-07-152014-07-302011ROMANO, ANA C.C.C.; ARANHA, ANA C.C.; SILVEIRA, BRUNO L. da; BALDOCHI, SONIA L.; EDUARDO, CARLOS de P. Evaluation of carbon dioxide laser irradiation associated with calcium hydroxide in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. A preliminary study. <b>Lasers in Medical Science</b>, v. 26, p. 35-42, 2011. Disponível em: changeslaser radiationcalcium hydroxidessensitivityEvaluation of carbon dioxide laser irradiation associated with calcium hydroxide in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. A preliminary studyArtigo de periódico26