ANA, P.A.BACHMANN, L.BENETTI, C.GOULART, V.P.ZEZELL, D.M.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01ANA, P.A.; BACHMANN, L.; BENETTI, C.; GOULART, V.P.; ZEZELL, D.M. Mechanisms of high intensity lasers for caries prevention and erosion. In: CONGRESSO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE LASERS EM ODONTOLOGIA, 6.; MEETING OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION OF WFLD, 2., 3-4 de junho 2011, Belo Horizonte, MG. <b>Resumos...</b> Disponível em: medicinelaser radiationx-ray diffractionfourier transform spectrometersinfrared spectraMechanisms of high intensity lasers for caries prevention and erosionResumo de eventos científicos