COAQUIRA, J.A.H.CARVALHO, L.B.ALMEIDA, R.L. deCARBONARI, A.W.CABRERA PASCA, G.A.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312009COAQUIRA, J.A.H.; CARVALHO, L.B.; ALMEIDA, R.L. de; CARBONARI, A.W.; CABRERA PASCA, G.A. Structural and magnetic properties and hyperfine interaction in Lasub(3.5)Rusub(4)Osub(13) compound. <b>Physica B, Condensed Matter</b>, v. 404, n. 19, p. 3116-3118, 2009. Disponível em: oxidesruthenium oxideshyperfine structuremagnetic propertiesperturbed angular correlationspectroscopyStructural and magnetic properties and hyperfine interaction in Lasub(3.5)Rusub(4)Osub(13) compoundArtigo de periódico19404