BLAY, A.BLAY, C.C.GROTH, E.B.ZEZELL, D.M.SENDYK, W.R.TUNCHEL, S.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01BLAY, A.; BLAY, C.C.; GROTH, E.B.; ZEZELL, D.M.; SENDYK, W.R.; TUNCHEL, S. Effects of visible and NIR low intensity lasers on implant osseointegration in vivo. In: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR LASER MEDICINE AND SURGERY, 22nd, Apr. 10-14, 2002, Atlanta, GA, USA. <b>Abstracts...</b> p. 12. DisponÃvel em: effectslaser radiationvisible radiationnear infrared radiationskeletonimplantstitaniumtibiarabbitsin vivoEffects of visible and NIR low intensity lasers on implant osseointegration in vivoResumo de eventos cientÃficos