
Graduatet in Mechanical Engineering from São Paulo State University (Universidade Estadual Paulista) (1981), master's at Mechanical Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo University (1993) and ph.d. at Nuclear Technology from INuclear Research Institute (2001). Has experience in Materials Engineering, focusing on Nonmetallic Materials, acting on the following subjects: polymeric composites, process development, filament winding, carbon fibre, microstructural analysis, fracture analysis and mechanical tests. Responsible teacher for the disciplines Polymeric Composite Materials and Thermostrucutural Composites in to Pos Graduation at IPEN/USP and specialist in polymeric composites in the Brazilian Navy Technological Center in São Paulo. (Text obtained from the Currículo Lattes on October 14th 2021)

Possui graduação em Engenharia Mecânica pela UNESP-Universidade Estadual Paulista (1981), mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica pela USP-Universidade de São Paulo (1993) e doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear pelo IPEN-Instituto de Pesquisdas Energéticas e Nucleares (2001). Tecnologista senior nível IIIA da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear no IPEN-Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares. Professor responsável pelas disciplinas Materiais Compósitos Poliméricos na graduação e pós Graduação do IPEN/USP e Compósitos Termoestruturais na Pós-graduação do IPEN/USP. Especialista em compósitos poliméricos no Centro Tecnológico da Marinha em São Paulo.Tem experiência na área de Engenharia de Materiais, com ênfase em Materiais Compósitos e Materiais Poliméricos, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Desenvolvimento de novos materiais, Desenvolvimento de processos, Caracterização mecânica, Análise microestrutural, Análise de Falha e Fratura, Processo Filament Winding, Compósitos estruturais. Também é orientador nos programas de mestrado e doutorado do IPEN/USP. Autor do livro "Materiais Compósitos Poliméricos:fundamentos e tecnologia", publicado por Artliber Editora. (Texto extraído do Currículo Lattes em 14 out. 2021)

Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais

Resultados de Busca

Agora exibindo 1 - 3 de 3
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 29181
    Evaluation of polyester/glass fiber waterproof composite subjected to temperature and acid environment
    2022 - GARY, B.C.; MARINUCCI, G.; MUNHOZ, P.M.; SILVA, L.G.A.
    Polymer composites have a wide range of chemical applications, with strong performance in the paper and cellulose and sugar-alcohol industry due to the chemical resistance such materials offer because of the presence of the polymer matrix. The literature shows that vinyl ester resins offer chemical resistance for these applications, however at a higher price than commercial resins, such as unsaturated polyesters. The aim of this research was to evaluate the chemical resistance of glass fiber reinforced waterproof polyester resin composites (GFPO). Composite was manufactured by hand lay-up and the waterproof polyester specimens were kept immersed in a buffer solution with pH 3 at 70 °C for 150 days. To evaluate the behavior of waterproof polyester composites, flexural tests were performed and compared with properties of the vinyl ester composites. After the chemical resistance test, the GFPO composite presented a Young’s modulus of 6 GPa with a maximum flexural of 100.6 N. In conclusion, a waterproof polyester resin composite can be a good option for applications in corrosive environments where a vinyl ester resin composite would be applied.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 28818
    Creep analysis of a GRP cylinder under hydrostatic test
    The GRP (Glass Reinforced Polymer) has been widely used in several industrial applications mainly due to its low cost, high availability, and easy manufacturing process. The matrix made by a combination of glass fibers and epoxy offers good engineering properties for the composite material. This study aims to investigate the creep behavior of a glass fiber/epoxy composite cylinder when it was subjected to hydrostatic pressure at room temperature, and when heated at 50ºC. The geometrical viscoelastic deformation was identified by processing signal data positioned on the cylinder surface. Then, electronic data processing was performed to obtain the characteristic of the creep phase phenomenon attributed to this polymeric composite. The cylindrical specimen has been manufactured using a 4-axis CNC (Computer Numeric Control) filament winding machine, which is equipment designed to produce cylindrical components in the composite industry. A creep test was performed by submitting the cylinder to a hydrostatic load for 500 hours, with a controlled injection of fluid up to a 50 bar pressure. Moreover, fiber volume fraction and composite density were determined to control de manufacturing parameters. The results showed that the glass transition temperature of the composite was 120°C. This also indicated a high level of reliability in the manufacturing parameters of the composite specimen. In the experiment carried out at 50ºC, the polymer matrix showed a loss of stiffness, which contributed to increased strain levels in the composite material. The structure did not show a significant creep effect after 500 hours, ensuring good dimensional and structural stability from the cylinder. Once the creep test finished, the cylinder was submitted to increase the pressure level to rupture. The microstructure was also evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM analyses presented a good agreement with the filament winding manufacturing parameters and showed the excellent quality of impregnation between glass fiber and epoxy resin applied on the cylinder specimen. The images presented evidence of an excellent adhesion of the fiber into the matrix, contributing to a good performance of the composite.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 28200
    Creep behavior of glass fiber/epoxy composite cylinder subjected to hydrostatic pressure