Evaluation of the applicability of Doppler velocimetry for monitoring acute kidney injury in rats

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Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência em Animais de Laboratório
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Animal models of renal disease have been used in the study of pathogenesis and therapeutic protocols. In this study, doppler ultrasound was used to evaluate dysfunction in the renal vasculature in acute kidney injury in an animal model. Eight male Wistar rats received gentamicin (80 mg/kg) for 10 days. The blood urea and creatinine levels were measured to assess renal function. All doppler ultrasound measurements were performed on both kidneys and a colour map of the renal circulation was generated. Renal function and Doppler ultrasound measurements were performed 10 days before GM treatment and on the 5th and 10th days of the assay. Gentamicin treatment led to increased serum creatinine and blood urea levels at 5 days and 10 days post initial inoculation. A significant reduction in renal artery blood flow was observed after 5 days. However, these levels remained unchanged until the 10th day, demonstrating a lack of correlation with serum creatinine and blood urea levels. Therefore, the assessment of flow blood velocity of renal arteries by doppler ultrasound is not useful for monitoring acute kidney injury in rats.

Como referenciar
SILVA, REGIANE M. da; KO, GUI M.; SANTOS, JOSE E.M.; BOIM, MIRIAN A.; IKEGAMI, AMANDA; BELLINI, MARIA H. Evaluation of the applicability of Doppler velocimetry for monitoring acute kidney injury in rats. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência em Animais de Laboratório, v. 4, n. 1, p. 9-14, 2016. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/26974. Acesso em: 12 May 2024.
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