The effect of niobium on the oxidation behaviour of fully austenitic Fe-15%Cr-15%Ni stainless steels

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Werkstoffe und Korrosion - Materials and Corrosion
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The influence of niobium content (0.5-2.0 wt.%) on the oxidation behaviour of Fe-15% Cr-15% Ni austenitic stainless steels has been studied by cyclic oxidation tests in air at different temperatures in the range 800-1200 ÂșC. The isothermal oxidation rate, the scaling index and the cumulative oxide loss decreased with increasing niobium content. X-ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis of detached oxide scales revealed that the niobium in the alloy matrix facilitated the formation of chromium rich (Fe,Cr)203 and niobium containing mixed oxide near the metaumetal oxide boundary, which decreased further oxidation. SEM/EDX investigations revealed that the external oxide changed from being predominantly iron rich iron-chromium oxide to being chromium rich iron-chromium oxide.

Como referenciar
RAMANATHAN, L.V.; POHL, M.; PADILHA, A.F. The effect of niobium on the oxidation behaviour of fully austenitic Fe-15%Cr-15%Ni stainless steels. Werkstoffe und Korrosion - Materials and Corrosion, v. 46, n. 2, p. 71-75, 1995. DisponĂ­vel em: Acesso em: 12 May 2024.
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