Highly directional random laser in a HC-ARROW microfluidic channel connected to a reservoir

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Coherent light sources are used in optofluidic devices for real-time system control and quantitative analysis of important process parameters in general. However, generation and transport of coherent light poses high demands on material purity, quality and finish increasing the device cost by orders of magnitude when compared to simpler microfluidic devices without the optic part. In this work, we developed a laser within such a device using traditional technologies for fabrication of microfluidic devices. The laser is composed of a reservoir containing the gain media and its beam is transported by microchannel waveguides. The on-chip laser device can be pumped externally and emits a highly collimated beam.

Como referenciar
WETTER, N.U.; JORGE, K.C.; ALVARADO, M.E.A.; MELO, E.G. de; LOPES, A.T.; CARRENO, M.N.P.; CHAVEZ, M.I.A. Highly directional random laser in a HC-ARROW microfluidic channel connected to a reservoir. In: WORKSHOP EM MICROFLUIDICA, 7., 31 de julho - 02 de agosto, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/28575. Acesso em: 13 May 2024.
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